Rabu, 06 Februari 2019

How to deal with reading IELTS questions table or sentence completion

Table completion 
  1. Task: Completing the table using the correct word from the passage
  2. Skill: 
  • Locating specific information in the passage
  • Choosing appropriate words
  • Understanding details
  1. Tips:
  • Read the column headings in the table
  • Identify the type of word needed for each part of the table
  • Scan the passage for information
  • Answer are usually located in a specific part of the passage
  • Check how many words you can use for answer

Sentence Completion Questions

  1. Task: Completing by filling in the gap with words from the passage
  2. Skills:
  • Scanning for specific information
  • Selecting appropriate words
  • Understanding information in the gap
  1. Tips: 
  • Identify the type of the word needed for each gap (noun/verb/adjective)
  • Locate the information in the passage in order to choose the right word
  • The sentence must be grammatically correct which can help you in choosing the right word for the gap
  • Check how many words can be used for each answer
  • Answer usually come in order

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Kamis, 31 Januari 2019

Reading Tips for IELTS

Yes No Not Given Question Tips and Strategy

Task : Decide if the information or writer's opinion in the question statements can be found in the passage

Skills : 
  • Indentifying specific information in the passage
  • Understanding the opinions of the the writer (Y/N/NG questions
Tips : 
  • Understanding the meaning of the answer
  • Paraphrase the statement before trying to locate the answer 
  • Answer cone in order

Diagram Completion Tips 

Task : Labeling a diagram

Skills : 
  • Locating specific information in the passage
  • Relating the information to the diagram
  • Choosing appropriate words

Tips :
  • Identify the type of word needed for the answer (noun/verb/etc)
  • Find the information on the passage
  • The information on the passage
  • The information is usually located in one specific paragraph or two in the passage
  • Check how many words you can use for answer
  • Answer do not always come in order

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Jumat, 18 Januari 2019



Ini dia grammar yang bisa teman-teman tambahkan dalam IETLS SPEAKING.

  1. Paraphrasing the questions
Jawab pertanyaan dengan paraphrasing the question untuk menghindari repetitive dan memperbanyak lexical resource kita harus menjawab pertanyaan in different way. 
for example: Tell me what is your hobby?
Instead of saying
My hobby is watching movie, I used to go to the cinema every once a week with my friend.
You can say:
In the free time I use to watch the movie with my friend every one a week.

  1. If Clause
If Clause Type I
if + Simple Present, will-Future
Type I indicates what will happen, provided that a certain situation is given.
If people use the technology to communicate, they will find immediate response it's quite different compares with 10 decades when people only use letter as their media to communicate.

If Clause Type II
if + Simple Past, would + infinitive
Type II indicates what could happen if a present situation were different.
If the government had more roads, the rural inhabitants would commute to work efficiently.

If Clause Type III
if + Past Perfect, would + have + past participle
Type III indicates what could have happened in the past if a situation had been different then.
If you had read the paper, you would have seen the advertisement.

  1. Generic Idioms
This is some of the idioms for time & friends
  • Killing the time 
  • Make time
  • Wasting time
  • Cement relationship
  • Casual acquaintance
  • Mutual friend

  1. Hedges
  • more likely
  • less likely
  • tend to
  • it seems
  • are bounce to

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Selasa, 15 Januari 2019

5 Grammars to boost our writing score in IELTS


Learning advanced English grammar? Here are four useful skills to take your writing one step further.

  1. Gunakan "Whether"
For example:
I am considering between to get a job or to go to university 
You can change into : 
  • I am considering whether to get a job or go to university
  • I am considering whether to get a job instead of going to university

  1. If Clause
  • Type 1 V1 = will  (pasti terjadi)
  • Type 2 V2 = would (tidak akan terjadi)

Example :
Type 1  (using V1)
In the future I think more people will do their shopping online. However, if the internet shopping becomes more popular, many traditional shops will lose customers. 

Type 2 (using V2)
In my opinion, government should invest more money in public transport. If rail and bus services were more reliable, fewer people would need to drive. 

  1. Gunakan Passive with "will be" and "being"
  • There is a danger that this will be misunderstood = There is a danger of this being misunderstood

  1. Penggunaan V-Ing instead of (that,who, which)
  • The book that left behind on the desk = The book being left behind on the desk
  • Someone that answering the phone is my mother = Someone answering the phone is my mother

  1. Nominalisation (merubah verb or other word into a noun)
  • The government built more roads in Papua
we can change into
  • More roads in Papua are built by government
  • The development of more roads in Papua in Jokowi's program

We can use 5 grammars above to boost our writing IELTS band.

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